Rating on Barcafe.bg

All places represented in BarCafe.bg directory, participate in the general ranking system, which involves obtaining ratings from places’ guests that are the site users.

Rating marked with numbers in the lower right corner on the picture of each place and is the average of all users’ ratings for the following 6 (six) parameters:

  • Varied menu - parameter taking into account the range of dishes;
  • Quality of service - a parameter that takes into account the level of care, courtesy, friendliness, quickness and professionalism of the staff;
  • Quality of food and drinks - a parameter that takes into account the taste, freshness, filing and serving of dishes and drinks;
  • The interior, exterior, view - a parameter that takes into account the internal and external design of the place, its location and panoramic view, opening to visitors;
  • The ratio of "price / quality" - a parameter that takes into account compliance of the price of food and drinks to their quality and portion size;
  • "The toilet selfie" - parameter taking into account the interior, comfort and cleanliness of toilets at a place.

For each of the parameters, a user can put one of 5 evaluations: "perfect", "very good", "good", "mediocre" and "bad".

After grading, a user can also leave a written response addressed to the owner of the place. After the obligatory moderation the user’s scores are added to the average rating of the place, and written comments sent directly to the owner of restaurant.

The places with high rating (more than 7.0) are automatically placed in the TOP list of the best places of the city and the country in whole, and placed on the main page of the directory. In this case the "TOP" orange icon appears on the place’s avatar picture. In general, a user is able to sort all the places descending ranking from highest to lowest on All Places page.

The rating system helps a user to know the opinion of other visitors about the place before he will stop his choice on it. In addition, the rating values suggest directions for optimization and improvement the quality of service for the owners.
