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Places list Sofia Night Bar/Club

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Night Bar/Club
Veliko Tarnovo, str. Krakov, 3
+359 888 778 868
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Bansko, str. Pirin, 95
+359 889 024 525
season: winter
Night Bar/Club
The Bounce
Bansko, str. Pirin, 111
+359 885 636 512
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
The Club
Bansko, sq. Vazrazhdane, 1
+359 893 331 212
season: winter
Night Bar/Club
Infinity Dance Club
Vidin, sqv.Bdinci, 6
+359 894 640 497
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Vratsa, blvd. Demokratsiya, 16
+359 885 598 227
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Pleven, Centre, str. Ivan Vazov, 10
+359 887 679 706
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Петното на Роршах
Plovdiv, Central, str. Joakim Gruev, 36
+359 888 714 286
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Plovdiv, Central, str. Captain Raicho Nikolov, 52
+359 884 663 666
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
10 Der
Plovdiv, Central, str. Captain Raicho Nikolov, 56
+359 894 623 424
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Max Club
Ruse, Centre, str. Aleksadrovska, 84
+359 877 905 499
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Karaoke Star
Ruse, Centre, str. Mutkurova, 11
+359 886 337 085
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Planeta Payner Exclusive
Ruse, Centre, sq. Aleksandar Batenberg, 1
+359 883 575 757
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Noar Premium Cub
Nessebar, New Town, str. Ivan Vazov, 31
+359 894 680 554
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Valentin Bar
Yambol, Borovets park, in Borovets hotel
+359 895 618 704
season: all year
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