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Places list Veliko Tarnovo Pub/Beer House

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Pub/Beer House
Ruse, Centre, str. Aleksadrovska, 76
+359 828 34 146
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Бирената Къща
Stara Zagora, Starozagorski Mineralni Bani, in Levicon hotel
+359 886 801 001
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Dvete Halbi
Sofia, Triaditsa, str. Kostenski Vodopad, 71
+359 295 23 755
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Pri stariya Schweik
Ahtopol, str. Hristo Botev, 24
+359 882 990 800
season: summer
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Oborishte, str. Trakia, 2а
+359 876 909 464
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Oborishte, str. Triaditsa, 5а
+359 878 818 652
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Lozenets, str. Veleka, 5
+359 884 235 879
season: summer
Pub/Beer House
Beer House
Kiten, str. Briz, 14
+359 884 387 201
season: summer
Pub/Beer House
Biraria Stambolov
Sofia, Lozenets, blvd. Sveti Naum, 1
+359 879 959 529
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Rhombus Craft Beer & Food
Pazardjik, str. Ivailovsko shose, 41
+359 892 283 007
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Temple Bar
Plovdiv, Central, str. Knyaz Aleksandar I, 36
+359 894 698 517
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Pivovarnitsa Kamenitsa
Plovdiv, Central, blvd. Iztochen, 69
+359 899 191 881
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Izgrev, str. Konstantin Kisimov, 2А
+359 887 004 600
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Varna, Primorski, str. Dobri Chintulov, 18
+359 878 997 337
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Lion's Pub
Bansko, str. Pirin, 90
+359 879 126 550
season: winter
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