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Places list Pomorie Pub/Beer House

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Pub/Beer House
The Wrong Bar
Sofia, Sredets, str. Sheinovo, 18
+359 876 130 666
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Biraria Dondukov
Sofia, Oborishte, blvd. Knyaz Alexandar Dondukov, 14
+359 886 439 050
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Pette Kiosheta
Sofia, Triaditsa, blvd. General Skobelev, 25
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Lulin, blvd. Louis Pasteur, 18
+359 885 958 599
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Praga 18
Sofia, Krasno Selo, blvd. Praga, 18
+359 877 188 708
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Sredets, str. Lege, 10
+359 885 974 666
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Irish Pub Dak's
Pamporovo, in Snezhanka hotel
+359 885 706 771
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Kazanlak, str. General Radetski, 65
+359 899 159 931
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Irish pub
Svilengrad, str. Vasil Levski, 86
+359 882 344 242
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Amigo Pub
Bansko, str. Naiden Gerov, 8
+359 886 888 454
season: winter
Pub/Beer House
Papa Beer
Burgas, Centre, str. Milin Kamak, 1
+359 887 210 506
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
DaDa Bar
Veliko Tarnovo, str. Velcho Dzhamdzhiyata, 12
+359 897 976 200
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Irish Harp Bansko
Bansko, str. Banderitsa, 51
+359 899 956 667
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
The Log House
Bansko, str. Yavor
+359 889 020 201
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Pirin 75
Bansko, str. Pirin, 75
season: all year
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