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Places list Plovdiv Pub/Beer House

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Pub/Beer House
Die Alte Lampe
Sofia, Lozenets, str. Kotel, 2
+359 885 635 323
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sliven, blvd. Tsar Simeon, 49
+359 884 406 050
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sliven, blvd. Stefan Karadzha, 5
+359 889 269 108
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
McCarthy's Irish Pub
Sofia, Sredets, str. Alabin, 29а
+359 897 976 546
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Ruse, Centre, str. Konstantin Velichkov, 19
+359 888 444 864
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Bobby's Bar Borovets
Borovets, opposite Royal Plaza Appartments
+359 879 103 363
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Downhill Snack&Grill
Borovets, on Sitnyakovo top
+359 888 805 544
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Cool Runnings @ Golden Chicken
Borovets, Main street
+359 877 358 786
season: winter
Pub/Beer House
White Magic
+359 888 273 305
season: winter
Pub/Beer House
Ice Angels Pub
Borovets, in Ice Angels hotel
+359 750 32 045
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Happy Duck
+359 888 370 276
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Kayo & Bayo
Gabrovo, str. Mogiliov, 23
+359 895 672 652
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Ruse, Centre, str. Nikola Palauzov, 5, Hotel Roger's
+359 895 573 242
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Sofia, Sredets, str. Lyuben Karavelov, 54
+359 897 863 153
season: all year
Pub/Beer House
Stara Zagora, Centre, blvd. Tsar Simeon Veliki, 115
+359 896 711 145
season: all year
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