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Places list Plovdiv

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Found 225 places

Bar&Dinner Lyatno Kino Orpheus
Plovdiv, Central, str. Todor Kableshkov
+359 988 854 884
season: summer
Plovdiv, Central, str. Georgi Benkovski, 14
+359 876 462 526
season: all year
Barcode Sushi
Plovdiv, Northern, str. Han Persian, 13
+359 876 702 085
season: all year
Bee Bop Cafe
Plovdiv, Central, str. Gladstone, 1
+359 32 594 779
season: all year
Plovdiv, Central, str. Emil Zola, 9
+359 894 466 544
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Plovdiv, Western, str. Perushtitsa, 8, Mall Plovdiv
+359 885 458 845
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Plovdiv, Central, blvd. Ruski, 54, Markovo Tepe mall
+359 886 299 292
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Bologna Food
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Lev Tolstoi, 6
+359 883 204 080
season: all year
Plovdiv, Central, str. Sevastopol, 49, Hotel Bordo
+359 32 642 051
season: all year
Boris Palace
Plovdiv, Central, str. Saborna, 49, Hotel Boris Palace
+359 888 26 04 56
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Broadway Club
Plovdiv, Trakiya, str. Saedinenie, 21
+359 895 606 789
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger Chef
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Doctor Georgi Stranski, 3, in Plovdiv Plaza Mall
+359 894 383 226
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Plovdiv, Eastern, blvd. Saint-Petersburg, 131
+359 876 444 999
season: all year
Striptease Bar
Plovdiv, Central, blvd. Tsar Boris III Obedenitel, 120
+359 877 088 909
season: all year
Café De Paris
Plovdiv, Central, str. Bulair, 1а
+359 878 515 906
season: all year
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