Chinese restaurants and other oriental cuisine in Burgas

Chinese restaurants and other oriental cuisine in Burgas

Fans of spices, sweet and sour meat, fried dumplings and other exotic food can please themselves with their favorite dishes, resting in Burgas. We will tell you how to find Chinese, Turkish, Indian restaurants and in which establishments in Burgas it is worth ordering sushi.

You have already thoroughly studied the Balkan cuisine and even started loving the fried tsatsa, which is served in the nice beach cafe. But you suddenly want to try something more acute and specific. In this case, the doors of 6 Chinese restaurants and 2 Turkish establishments are opened for you.

Chinese cafes and restaurants are distinguished by a large assortment of meat or fish dishes with vegetables, mushrooms, noodles or rice. Portions are huge, and the interior is very unpretentious. Traditionally, in such restaurants kitchen workers are immigrants from China. The cost of a hot meat dish, which is quite enough for two, does not exceed 9-12 leva, fish or seafood dishes cost a little more.

Chinese cuisine in Burgas: ShanghaiKitaiska LunaHa LongHua Long, Reverence, China Town.

(click on the links to see the location)

If you want to take food with you, then you will find Turkish fast food Iskender Kebap and Duner Kebap quite suitable. 

If you like sushi, then choose one popular and passable restaurant, where there is a sushi menu - Happy, Kish and Incanto.


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