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Places list Melnik Fast Food restaurant

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Fast Food restaurant
Sofia, Triaditsa, blvd. Bulgaria, 69, in Bulgaria Mall
+359 700 70 030
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Bansko, str. Yavor, 99-105
+359 876 333 533
season: winter
Fast Food restaurant
Sofia, Vazrazhdane, blvd. Aleksandar Stamboliyski, 28
+359 070 011 999
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Plovdiv, Central, str. Knyaz Aleksandar I, 49
+359 52 333 323
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Sofia, Poduyane, blvd. Vladimir Vazov, 83
+359 294 513 07
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Sofia, Studentski, str. Doctor Jordan Josifov, 1А
+359 700 11 999
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Slanchev Bryag, near Fenix hotel
+359 0700 12345
season: summer
Fast Food restaurant
Slanchev Bryag, in front of Kuban hotel
+359 0700 12345
season: summer
Fast Food restaurant
Slanchev Bryag, near Karlovo hotel
+359 0700 12345
season: summer
Fast Food restaurant
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Doctor Georgi Stranski, 3, in Plovdiv Plaza Mall
+359 0700 12345
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burgas, Slaveikov, str. Yanko Komitov, 6, Mall Galleria
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger Chef
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Doctor Georgi Stranski, 3, in Plovdiv Plaza Mall
+359 894 383 226
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Sushi Mushi
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Doctor Georgi Stranski, 3, in Plovdiv Plaza Mall
+359 899 449 755
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Pappa Yozzi
Plovdiv, Eastern, str. Doctor Georgi Stranski, 3, in Plovdiv Plaza Mall
+359 885 505 100
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Obzor, str. Kiril i Metodiy, 9
+359 899 959 985
season: all year
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