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Places list Gabrovo Coffee House

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Coffee House
Costa Coffee
Sofia, Izgrev, str. Lachezar Stanchev, 5, Sofarma Business Towers
season: all year
Coffee House
Costa Coffee
Sofia, Trakia highway 1-st km, Lukoil gas station
season: all year
Coffee House
Costa Coffee
Varna, Odesos, str. Shipka, 3
season: all year
Coffee House
Costa Coffee
Slanchev Bryag, Galeon hotel
season: summer
Coffee House
Fame Coffee Club
Samokov, str. Asen Karastoyanov, 2
+359 894 382 478
season: all year
Coffee House
Franco Coffee
Bansko, str. Pirin, 36
+359 897 423 842
season: all year
Coffee House
Bansko, sq. Nikola J. Vaptsarov, 2
season: all year
Coffee House
Venera Coffee House
Karlovo, sq. Vasil Levski
season: all year
Coffee House
H & S Petkoff
Lovech, str. General Gurko, 1
+359 883 697 979
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Sredets, blvd. Vasil Levski, 1А
+359 878 357 523
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Sredets, str. Saborna, 1
+359 894 521 415
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Oborishte, blvd. Sitnyakovo, 48, in Serdika Center Mall
+359 893 017 109
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Sredets, str. General Gurko, 62А
+359 878 357 517
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Vitosha, blvd. Bulgaria, 69, in Bulgaria Mall
+359 894 521 416
season: all year
Coffee House
Sofia, Vitosha, str. Okolovrasten Pat, 214, in Ring Mall Sofia
+359 894 521 577
season: all year
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