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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
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Максим Бурмицкий, эксперт, создатель блога Bgwine. "Волею судеб я живу в...

Places list Kranevo + cocktails

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Nessebar, Old Town, str. Emona, 13
+359 884 773 636
season: all year
Sky Bar
Nessebar, New Town, str. Ivan Vazov, 7, Hotel Sol Marina Palace
+359 888 111440
season: summer
Nessebar, Old Town, str. Neptun, 2
+359 88 9 016 600
season: summer
Slanchev Bryag, next to Hotel Glarus
+359 55 490 921
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Slanchev Bryag, next to Lunapark
+359 879 502 011
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
La Cubanita Beach Bar
Slanchev Bryag, Cacao Beach
+359 876 356 225
season: summer
Sport Bar
The Sport Pub
Slanchev Bryag, next to Hotel Pomorie
+359 895 963 790
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Flying Dutchman
Slanchev Bryag, next to Hotel Glarus
+359 898 626 548
season: summer
Jack's Bar
Slanchev Bryag, alley Kuban
+359 884 021 009
season: summer
65 Svetulki
Sofia, Triaditsa, str. Solunska, 65
+359 897 776 999
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Hollister Bar
Slanchev Bryag, next to Hotel Kuban
+359 879 502 034
season: summer
La Bamba
Slanchev Bryag, in front of Hotel Glarus
+359 879 502 027
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Mexo Beach Bar
Slanchev Bryag, Central Beach
+359 888 387 585
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Amigo Beach Bar
Slanchev Bryag, Central Beach
+359 886 888 454
season: summer
The Corner Bar&Dinner
Slanchev Bryag, alley Kuban
+359 889 100 095
season: summer
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