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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
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Places list Ruse + in the mall

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Coffee House
Sofia, Vazrazhdane, blvd. Aleksandar Stamboliyski, 101, Mall of Sofia
season: all year
Coffee House
Carraro Coffee Shop
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, blvd. Lipnik, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
season: summer
Cinema Café
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, blvd. Lipnik, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Shishko Duner Kebab
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, blvd. Lipnik, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
season: all year
Sofa Coffee Time
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, blvd. Lipnik, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Thang Long
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, blvd. Lipnik, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Mr. Pancake
Sofia, Triaditsa, blvd. Cherni Vrakh, 100, Paradise Center
+359 888 281 201
season: all year
Sofia, Oborishte, blvd. Sitnyakovo, 48, Serdika Center
+359 894 399 979
season: all year
Dolce Vita
Ruse, Eastern Industrial Area, 121 Д, Mall Rousse
+359 882 861 613
season: all year
Mall Gabrovo
Gabrovo, blvd. Vasil Aprilov, 40, in Mall Gabrovo
+359 893 458 850
season: all year
Kaldi Cafe
Gabrovo, blvd. Vasil Aprilov, 40, in Mall Gabrovo
+359 894 671 820
season: all year
Mona Lisa
Gabrovo, str. Mogiliov, 47, in Terra Mall Gabrovo
+359 879 826 181
season: all year
Terra View
Gabrovo, str. Mogiliov, 47, in Terra Mall Gabrovo
+359 668 40 515
season: all year
Avenue 47
Gabrovo, str. Mogiliov, 47, in Terra Mall Gabrovo
+359 669 28 688
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Stara Zagora, Samara-1-2-3, blvd. Nikola Petkov, 52, Park Mall
+359 884 406 446
season: all year
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