Вяленая и сушеная рыба в Болгарии! Идеальная закуска для пива
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Places list Nessebar + live music

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Found 6 places

Nessebar, New Town, str. Yuzhen Plazh
+359 886 191 919
season: all year
Nessebar, Old Town, str. Mesembriya, 1
+359 894 512 474
season: summer
Caramel Music Hall
Nessebar, New Town, str. Khan Krum, 11
+359 893 344 007
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Music Box
Nessebar, Old Town, str. Mesembriya, 14
+359 888 656 744
season: all year
Café Soiree
Nessebar, Old Town, str. Mesembriya, 18
+359 899 164 810
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Noar Premium Cub
Nessebar, New Town, str. Ivan Vazov, 31
+359 894 680 554
season: all year
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