Вяленая и сушеная рыба в Болгарии! Идеальная закуска для пива
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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
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Places list Burgas + siutable for wheelchairs

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Found 14 places

Beli Noshti
Burgas, Bratya Miladinovi, str. Ivailo, 92
+359 897 787 508
working time
season: all year
Kitchen  Bulgarian
Author's Cuisine more
La Toscana
Burgas, Lazur, str. Kalofer, 156
+359 887 668 577
working time
season: all year
Kitchen  Author's Cuisine
Italian more
Burgas, Bratya Miladinovi, blvd. Stefan Stambolov, 53
+359 884 199 096
working time
season: all year
Kitchen  European
Italian more
Fast Food restaurant
KFC Drive
Burgas, Slaveikov, blvd. Stefan Stambolov, 113, Petrol Station OMV
+359 700 119 99
season: all year
Zlatna Kotva
Burgas, Centre, blvd. Aleko Bogoridi, 64
+359 878 884 277
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Ola Taste of Med
Burgas, Slaveikov, str. Yanko Komitov, 6, Mall Galleria
+359 884 148 995
season: all year
Coffee House
Burgas, Centre, Sea Port
+359 879 470 462
season: all year
Bistro Orekha
Burgas, Centre, blvd. Aleko Bogoridi, 51
+359 899 175 032
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burgas, Slaveikov, str. Yanko Komitov, 6, Mall Galeria Burgas
+359 886 988 986
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
McDonald's McDrive
Burgas, Zornitsa, blvd. Stefan Stambolov, / blvd. Nikola Petkov
+359 884 000 308
season: all year
Burgas, Bratya Miladinovi, blvd. Demokratsia, 117
+359 883 580 055
season: all year
Burgas, Centre, str. Vasil Aprilov, 14
+359 878 486 912
season: all year
Kriltse ili Kalka
Burgas, Centre, str. Antim I, 10
+359 895 342 222
season: fall, winter, spring
Burgas, Sea Port Burgas
+359 898 756 308
season: all year
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