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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
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Euphoria Bar&Grill
Slanchev Bryag, next to Hotel Glarus
+359 879 126 467
season: summer
Obzor, str. Vasil Levski, 44, in Hotel Coral
+359 887 997 206
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Anno Domini
Obzor, str. Slavyanska, 16
+359 893 959 617
season: all year
Serenity Beach Bar
Obzor, str. Chernomorska
+359 877 214 767
season: summer
The Sponge Bar
Obzor, Central Beach
+359 895 070 101
season: summer
Cuba Beach Bar
Obzor, South Beach
+359 895 755 301
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Arbat Piano Bar
Sveti Vlas, str. Bor, 33
+359 887 235 064
season: summer
Moonlight Beach
Sveti Vlas, str. Sirena, 7, Hotel Moonlight
+359 55 464 762
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
La Cubanita En El Mar
Sveti Vlas, Central Beach
+359 876 356 216
season: summer
Sveti Vlas, str. Yantra, 11
+359 898 552 505
season: all year
Bona Dea Club
Sveti Vlas, str. Tsar Simeon, 25
+359 887 265 978
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Maccao Cocktail Bar
Tsarevo, Center, str. Mihail Gerdzhikov, 1а
+359 894 300 933
season: summer
Night Bar/Club
Bar Dak 2
Sofia, Sredets, sq. Petko R. Slaveikov, 11
+359 878 788 625
season: all year
By the Way
Lozenets, str. Georgi Kondolov, 24а
+359 886 605 203
season: summer
Camino Piano Bar
Lozenets, Central Beach
+359 896 677 676
season: summer
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