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Идеальная закуска к пиву, сделанная по сибирским рецептам. Большой слабосолен...
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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
Bgwine: блог о винах Болгарии. Обзор марк и производителей
Максим Бурмицкий, эксперт, создатель блога Bgwine. "Волею судеб я живу в...

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Fast Food restaurant
KFC Drive
Burgas, Slaveikov, blvd. Stefan Stambolov, 113, Petrol Station OMV
+359 700 119 99
season: all year
Winery/Tasting Room
Ruse, locality Levent-Tabia, app.com. Druzhba, in Leventa complex
+359 898 463 377
season: all year
Stara Zagora, Gradinski/Bedechka, str. Khan Asparuh, 30, Mall Galleria
+359 892 494 307
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Lovech, str. Targovska, 28
+359 877 213 571
season: all year
Coffee House
Burgas, Centre, Sea Port
+359 879 470 462
season: all year
Bistro Orekha
Burgas, Centre, blvd. Aleko Bogoridi, 51
+359 899 175 032
season: all year
Royal Horse Club
Burgas region, Chengene Skele loqality, near Marinka village
+359 885 919 788
season: all year
Sofia, Sredets, str. Khan Asparuh, 65
+359 889 717 708
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burgas, Slaveikov, str. Yanko Komitov, 6, Mall Galeria Burgas
+359 886 988 986
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
McDonald's McDrive
Burgas, Zornitsa, blvd. Stefan Stambolov, / blvd. Nikola Petkov
+359 884 000 308
season: all year
K2 Bar & Dinner
Velingrad, str. Evlogi Georgiev
+359 898 591 515
season: all year
Bistro Happy House
Varna, Primorski, str. General Georgi Popov, 30
+359 887 092 774
season: all year
Kazanlak, str. Kademlia, 31
+359 877 300 166
season: all year
Coffee House
Caffe Bianco
Veliko Tarnovo, str. Oborishte, 18, Mall Veliko Tarnovo
+359 888 677 037
season: all year
Burgas, Bratya Miladinovi, blvd. Demokratsia, 117
+359 883 580 055
season: all year
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