Вяленая и сушеная рыба в Болгарии! Идеальная закуска для пива
Идеальная закуска к пиву, сделанная по сибирским рецептам. Большой слабосолен...
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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
Bgwine: блог о винах Болгарии. Обзор марк и производителей
Максим Бурмицкий, эксперт, создатель блога Bgwine. "Волею судеб я живу в...

Places list Gabrovo + menu in English

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Sofia, Triaditsa, str. Karnigradska, 15
+359 894 420 440
season: all year
Sofia, Sredets, blvd. Tsar Osvoboditel, 12
+359 89 567 801
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger King
Sofia, Iskar, blvd. Professor Tsvetan Lazarov, 181
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger King
Sofia, Sredets, str. Alabin, 29
+359 876 819 431
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger King
Sofia, Mladost, blvd. Alexandar Malinov, 111
+359 893 619 829
season: all year
Saint George
Pomorie, blvd. Peyo Kracholov Yavorov, 15, Spa hotel Saint George
+359 885 274 884
season: all year
Saint George Bar&Grill
Pomorie, blvd. Peyo Kracholov Yavorov, 15, Spa hotel Saint George
+359 885 274884
season: all year
Fast Food restaurant
Burger King
Sofia, Ilinden, blvd. Todor Alexandrov
season: all year
St. St. Petar&Pavel
Pomorie, str. Professor Parashkev Stoyanov, 11, Hotel St. St. Petar&Pavel
+359 59 628 002
season: all year
Aheloy, in AC Marina Cape
+359 59 620 179
season: summer
Ravda, str. Makedoniya, 35
+359 877 949 477
season: summer
Ravda, str. Morski Zvutsi, 24, Hotel Aura
+359 897 834 159
season: summer
Forno Cipollini
Sofia, Oborishte, str. Oborishte, 18а
+359 887 778 464
season: all year
Forno Cipollini
Sofia, Lozenets, blvd. Hristo Smirnenski, 48
+359 877 233 032
season: all year
The Mill
Nessebar, New Town, str. Lyuben Karavelov, 1, Hotel The Mill
+359 894 444 111
season: summer
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