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Консультации по получению визы Д в Болгарию, ВНЖ, ПМЖ, гражданству, ведению и ре...
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Massa Club
Sandanski, Polenitsa village, in Medite Hotel
+359 886 565 656
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Fanky Buddha
Ruse, Centre, sq. Han Kubrat, 5
+359 895 719 664
season: all year
Piano Bar Camino
Sofia, Sredets, str. Neofit Rilski, 70
+359 899 121 219
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Planet Club
Sofia, Triaditsa, blvd. Bulgaria, 1
+359 899 993 942
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
PM Club
Sofia, Sredets, str. Pozitano, 3
+359 898 670 600
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
After Eleven
Borovets, in Rila hotel
+359 888 810 160
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Buzz Bar
Borovets, between Rila and Samokov hotels
+359 893 817 678
season: winter
Night Bar/Club
Borovets, in Iseberg hotel
+359 750 33 411
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Planeta Payner Club
Gabrovo, str. Mogiliov, 47
+359 897 755 688
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Allegro Club de Lux
Gabrovo, str. Sazaklyatie, 2
+359 894 004 040
season: all year
Sofia, Sredets, str. Aksakov, 11а
+359 877 764 766
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Revue Club
Sofia, Sredets, sq. Narodno Sabraniye, 10
+359 897 080 708
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Sofia, Sredets, str. Graf Ignatiev, 1
+359 888 131 318
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Sofia, Vazrazhdane, str. Pozitano, 22
+359 897 808 808
season: all year
Night Bar/Club
Sound Wave
Sofia, Studentski, str. Akademik Boris Stefanov, 4
+359 887 098 164
season: all year
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